310 000 EUR.
Doplňující popis: | Intern code: RDS01362 / Price in EUR. We offer logistics and home delivery service. In 1966, Abarth reached a turning point with the SE04 project—the Fiat Abarth 1000 SP—where "1000" refers to the engine displacement in cubic centimeters, and "SP" stands for Sport Prototype. The 1000 Sport Prototype was equipped with yet another evolution of the Abarth twin-cam engine, built around the Fiat 600’s engine block. This centrally positioned unit produced 105 HP at 8,000 rpm. Given its displacement of less than a liter (982 cm³), this meant it exceeded 100 HP per liter—an impressive figure for the time, especially considering that the 1000 SP was designed to excel in both short hill climb races and long, demanding endurance events. Its lightweight chassis and polyurethane and fiberglass body kept the overall dry weight at just 480 kg, allowing it to reach a top speed of over 220 km/h. The 1000 SP quickly began racking up victories, even competing in prestigious endurance races. Thanks to numerous updates and modifications, the car remained in competition for over a decade, bringing great satisfaction to private drivers—some of whom were willing to wait a long time to receive their Abarth-ordered car. Built in 1966, it raced with several private drivers until 1984, when it was acquired by its last owner, who has preserved it to this day. The bodywork remains in a well-preserved state, while the mechanical components were fully restored in 1985 by the specialist “Falorni” of Castelfiorentino (FI). This magnificent 1000 SP, still fully functional today, was equipped with a "Colotti" gearbox—a highly appreciated choice among drivers at the time. The car is ready for historic revivals, classic races, and, most notably, is eligible for Le Mans Classic. | |
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